
Work In Progress

Video games I am thinking of sharing here: Itties, Howlsyawn Games Studio, Gollawun, Strategy Arcade, a hex autobattler or strategy/rpg game, an idle game?, more? I have a lot of old and new ideas and designs and writing fun game code takes a lot of work and testing and playing over time. Probably going to try to keep it simple and pick one to prioritize for action on, but I have some demos/prototypes I could share at some point. Idle games vs exclusive games vs difficult games vs strategy vs fun vs roleplaying vs reality vs artificial life vs consciousness vs i don't know I'm gonna worry about staying alive first. I still feel very inspired by the games: Transistor, X3 (good example of rpg+strategy), Eve Online, Minecraft, Logging Quest 2, Hollow Knight, Smash Bros Melee, and Rivals of Aether.

I'm not very good/experienced at making graphics or stories or characters though, one of my old favorite games got stuck on trying too hard to be realistic with environmental chemistry (I might try to bring my cosmic space strategy/rpg game back eventually), and balancing games for fun needs to happen throughout the development process. Picking a game genre is very difficult, I too easily get overly ambitious and try to mesh a lot together. But I love some of my game designs and I'd like to get to this stuff more some day. Unfortunately trying to handle my legal name on my cosmic space game is a bit of a pain and I don't think I would ever be satisfied with realistic chemistry anyways.

Hopefully I'll get enough money and stability to change my legal first name to Luna and do what I really want to do some day, being known publicly and getting payed for this stuff. Please donate if you have enough to spare and you feel like it :).