

With this language I am trying to build code that does not require any particular names, and allows the use of any custom names using letters possible, to unify different languages in some ways, but still it is somewhat messy and I will definitely ship it with some default words like true, false, if, while, int, float, and perhaps biot instead of bool. It's still very much a wip and I have yet to figure out how I want to address exception packing and handling. Separating exception-variables with : and ending code-lines with ; seems good enough, but I will continue to think about the benefit of having a single string name for each exception type. Still, it's hard to predict these things and maybe I'll just let that be a matter of developer/coder choice, to put a string for the first variable, and then add more with expressions and variables (literal like with "" or numbers) separated with : and ended with ;.

I've never written a compiler before but I have written C and am fairly experienced with C# and python, so I'll be considering if/how i want to write a compiler for this language at some point. I'd like it to be hybrid compiled/interpreted like C# but my main goal with it is to have clear samples of how it works first.